Color Dance a new Block-of-the-month from QT Fabrics is here!
Learn the basics of making a quilt using two basic quilt block units. Half square triangles (HST) and Flying Geese.
This 6 month block of the month quilt is available in two great colorways, Bold and Shy. Both feature QT's Color Dance blender. Bold is bright, primary colors on a navy blue background, and Shy is pastels and neutrals on a charcoal gray background. Color Dance is 100% cotton and digitally printed.
Designed by Wendy Sheppard of @ivory_spring, this quilt is fun for beginners or for intermediate quilters who want to hone their skills with more accurate piecing.
Finished size: 56" x 64".
Each month you will be billed $29.99, includes pattern, fabrics and free shipping. Month 6 includes binding fabric.
Save $ and purchase the full kit for only $149.99
This program runs for 6 months.
By signing up for the monthly program you are commitment to this 6 month block of the month program that start August 2022. Your credit card will be charge $29.99 at the beginning of the month for 6 consecutive months, unless you selected the full kit option.